Welcome to Bettina.love




In this deeply transformational group you will spend time in sacred space with a circle of women walking the path of self-awareness, spirituality, and transformational inner healing.

You will receive Wisdom Teachings, Activations, and Initiations, as well as informational handouts, recommendations for resources and much more.

Bettina has been teaching and studying Celtic Shamanism for more than two decades and brings a grounded, focused, earthy presence to circle.

Celtic Wheel teachings will focus on the cycle of the year and will be interwoven with the Activations of the Shamanic Priestess. Inner Maiden, Sacred Marriage, Shadow Work, Racial Equity, and more. Magic and fact, heart and head, womb wisdom and healing, connection to land and body.

Tea, and water are included and lunch is on your own. You can bring a packed lunch and eat here or dash out to one of our myriad local restaurants.

This circle will be hosted on the banks of the beautiful Elizabeth River in Chesapeake VA. Lodgings are available nearby.

Deposit is $100 to hold your space. Venmo to @Be-Essert or Paypal to BePriestess@gmail.com with ‘Wheel’ and your contact info.

Circle opens on

OCTOBER 12 & 13

future dates will be scheduled as a group and will be about every 6 weeks until we have moved through the 8 Festivals and Initiations.

Our mission at ROOTED is to honor those brave folks who march to the beat of their own drum. We provide a welcoming space for individuals to reconnect with themselves and strengthen their sense of community. We encourage personal growth, self-expression, and a deeper understanding of the natural world around us through honoring the cycles of the sun, moon, and seasons; guided meditations; sound healing; and the sharing of food as a way of creating community and connection.

We gather monthly on a Sunday on or near the New Moon.

- Individuality: We celebrate the unique perspectives and experiences each person brings to our community.

- Authenticity: We encourage people to be true to themselves and express their genuine feelings and thoughts.

- Community: We prioritize creating a supportive and inclusive environment where everyone feels welcome.

- Self-Discovery: We promote personal growth and exploration as key elements of the human experience.

- Connection with Nature: We value the natural world and its cycles as a source of inspiration and learning.

Our Celebration will include an intro and wisdom teacing or invocation, guided meditation, and sound healing.

Please bring a chair or other comfortable-on-the-ground seating for yourself. Bring bug spray. If rain is threatening, bring an umbrella. In case of inclement weather we will relocate to a space close by, please check the group page for updates.

After the celebration we will share a potluck meal. Please clearly mark your sharable contributions for those who have food allergies or sensitivities. If you are able to bring something to share, please do, if not please jump up and grab a plate and help yourself. It is our belief that part of building community is in the sharing of food. There are times when each of us will just not have the time or energy or monetary resources to bring something and it's okay! All of you is welcome here.

Well tended children are welcome as are any sounds and wiggling. We will be near water, so please keep a close eye to be sure they are safe.

Help with clean up after the pot luck is appreciated.


August 4th at 10:30 am

September 1st at 10:30 am

October 6th 10:30 am

November 3rd at 10:30 am

December 1st at 10:30 am

Please check out our Facebook group and the Events section there for address and more info on each event.

Ways to Work with Bettina

  • The Medicine

    The body has an innate Desire for safety, nourishment, and a clear, clean field in which to thrive. In this section you will find my offers for:

    Addressing the health of the physical body.

    Herbs. Flower Essences. Clearing for the home, office, and human body field.

    CLICK HERE to learn more.

  • The Wild Soul

    The Soul has an innate Desire for connection.

    Connection to Divinity, connection to community, and connection to our own power for healing, safety, and the strength to recognize that healing and growth are our life’s work.

    Illuminated Priestess Path and the Magdalene Mysteries.

    Bettina’s Shamanic Mystery School for women who are seeking connection to the Sacred, deep inner healing, and Spiritual practices to last a lifetime.

    CLICK HERE to learn more.

  • Sacred Self

    Body work including Cranial-Sacral, Reiki, tonglen, womb clearing and womb healing work, Shamanic Minsterial counseling, and more.

    CLICK HERE to learn more.

Bettina offers SouLutions for your relationship and life challenges. Connecting all of the parts of you—mind, body, soul—through her trauma-informed, holistic coaching style.

Reach out to Bettina via FB Messenger by clicking here. Please feel free to email BePriestess@gmail.com with the understanding that my response time to emails may be as long as two weeks.

Find your free Divine Feminine Archetype Quiz here.

Follow me on Substack by clicking the paperclip above.

If you are a Trans or Non-Binary person looking for a coach, support, or resources, please reach out. I work with everyone and do my best to provide safety, however if you prefer someone who has experienced life in this way or who is dedicated to coaching specifically for your demographic, I will be thrilled to refer you to another coach or coaches. I am here for allyship and would be thrilled to support you in all of the ways I am able.

My journey with Be has been profound, and natural and deep, and subtle, all at once.

It’s amazing to see how far I’ve come in my own journey with sex and pleasure and self acceptance during the course of my coaching with her. I started off with a lot of fear and wounding and have ended up in a place of knowing myself more fully, stepping into my power, asking for what I want, and receiving beautifully timed gifts along the way.

Having her there to hold me accountable and be a backbone for me in my journey has been crucial. I wouldn’t be in this place that I am today without her.

I appreciate her grace and softness that have allowed me to feel held, and also this inner lioness that I sense in her that has enabled me to stay on track and not spiral out into my own stories and patterns.

Be is a gifted spaceholder and I will be forever grateful for these months that I’ve had with her!


The Charge of the Goddess, a prayer and poem to live by. This reclamation of the Feminine Divine is the core of my work and the core of what is missing in our mainstream world: permission to love pleasure, to love what the soft animals of our bodies love.

I am that which is attained at the end of desire…

Hear the words of the Star Goddess,
the dust of whose feet are the hosts of heaven,
whose body encircles the universe:

I who am the beauty of the green earth and the white moon
among the stars and the mysteries of the waters,
I call upon your soul to arise and come unto me.
For I am the soul of nature that gives life to the universe.
From Me all things proceed and unto Me they must return.
Let My worship be in the heart that rejoices,
for behold-- all acts of love and pleasure are My rituals.
Let there be beauty and strength,
power and compassion,
honor and humility,
mirth and reverence within you.
And you who seek to know Me,
know that your seeking and yearning will avail you not,
unless you know the Mystery:
for if that which you seek,
you find not within yourself,
you will never find it without.
For behold, I have been there with you from the beginning,
and I am that which is attained at the end of desire.

charge of the goddess - doreen valiente - adapted by starhawk