
Free Resources for a variety of things dealing with gender, aging, sexuality, and more.

Please see the blog on this website for more.

  • Sexless Marriage

    A decent article on Very Well Mind on what sexless marriage (relationship) is and some ways to deal with it.

  • The Great Wall of Vulva

    Body positivity can be supported by viewing, and normalizing, the variety of forms we come in.Jamie McCartney, a British artist, has made models of over 400 vulvas.

    His work has done a lot to help women understand that our bodies are normal and beautiful.

    In this age of surgical alteration of so much of our bodies, it’s important to know that we do not need to cut away parts of our beautiful, holy bodies.

  • The Dove Self-Esteem Project

    Dove has long been creating body positive content for parents and children.

    Their Self-Esteem project has resources and ideas for supporting kids.

Free Resources for a variety of things dealing with gender, aging, sexuality, and more.

Please see the blog on this website for more.

  • The Trevor Project

    A website dedicated toLGBTQI+ teens.

    The Trevor Project’s mission is to end suicide in this incredibly vulnerable group.

    Great resources for folks who love and want to support and understand what these teens are experiencing.

  • Declaration of Sexual Rights

    “In recognition that sexual rights are essential for the achievement of the highest attainable sexual

    health, the World Association for Sexual Health:

    STATES that sexual rights are grounded in universal human rights that are already recognized in

    international and regional human rights documents, in national constitutions and laws, human rights

    standards and principles, and in scientific knowledge related to human sexuality and sexual health.”

    From the World Association of Sexual Health

  • Declaration on Sexual Pleasure

    “The participants of the 24th World Congress of the World Association for Sexual Health:

    RECOGNIZE that:

    Sexual pleasure is the physical and/or psychological satisfaction and enjoyment derived from shared or

    solitary erotic experiences, including thoughts, fantasies, dreams, emotions, and feelings. “

    From the World Association of Sexual Health

Physical Health:

Videos to support breathwork, flexibility, and more.