When you feel called to the path of your Wild Soul

Priestess Path

Text written in gold at the entrance of the Temple of Sekhmet at Karnak.

“All I ask is that you enter my house with respect.

I don't need your devotion to serve you, but your sincerity. Not your belief but your thirst for knowledge.

Walk in with your vices, fears, and hates; give the oldest to the youngest: I can help you melt them.

You can look at me and love me as a woman, a mother, a daughter, a sister, a friend, but never look at me as an authority above yourself.

If your devotion to any God, is greater than your devotion to the God that is in you, you offend both and you offend ONE."

The Magdalene Mysteries

Everything I do is infused with the archetypal essence of The Magdalene Priestess. Mary, Mariam, Mariamne, Miriam...we don't know for certain what her actual name was but we do know that Magdala is a place, the name 'Magdalene,' an honorific designating place of origin, or home...or something more, something more like a title, something more like a Mystery School where Priestesses studied the esoteric wisdom teachings from all over the world.

I recently told someone that I brought Mary Magdalene with me somewhere. Later I realized that this sounded extremely arrogant in the context of the conversation but what I meant was that I intentionally asked her to come with me, to guide my hands and my heart as I touched the lives of the humans I came into contact with.

She was with me in such a beautiful way. I often felt that essence radiating up and through me, the love pouring out.

One of the most transformational things I've ever read about her comes from Flo Magdalena's book, 'I Remember Union'. There is a piece about how people confused her healing work, and the way they felt afterwards. The only thing they could relate it to was sex and sexual healing. Nothing else felt so good as that, nothing in their lives was so pleasurable as the healing she gave through her hands on their bodies, and so they outcast her because they could not understand her.

Do you see reflections of this in your life?

I bring this into the Magdalene Mysteries. A 2nd process for Emerged Priestesses in which we work with the essences of Sex, Power, Money, and Sacred Activism. Yummy. Also: can be really hard, starting this work of dismantling all of the BS we've been handed.

The Magdalene Mysteries are not for the faint of heart or the spiritual neophyte. This is why it's only offered as a 2nd level process.

Mary of Magdala left her home and dedicated her generational wealth to walk the deserts of the Middle East with her lover, husband, and teaching partner, Yeshua. I do not believe she was the First Apostle. I believe she was his equal in wisdom, his equal in education, and his equal in partnership. They lived in a Patriarchal world though, and so her power was outwardly subsumed by his.

In these Mysteries, we bring her power to the fore and honor it by also honoring our own power and that of our circle siStars.

This is the walk I walk every day, to the extent that my human self is able to sustain it. The walk of pouring love into the open wounds of our culture.

If you are here to decolonize; to work diligently toward anti-racism and equity for all, including LGBTQI+++ people, then this is a space for you.

This process is only available to Emerged Priestesses. Please DM or email Bettina for more information or to create a circle if you are ready.

The Priestess Path is also known as the Spiral Path, a way of tending to self and the wider world in an ever moving cycle from inner work to outer sharing.

Priestess. Magdalene.

All of the elements of archetypal healing, Shadow Work, circle work, community tending, breathwork, journeys, myth, land healing, a sprinkle of herbal allies and a big dose of somatic Pleasure Medicine and there you have it.

The Indescribable. The liminal. The path of the Medial Woman who walks a medicine path, a path between the worlds, a path of anti-racisim, a path of reclaiming womanity while decolonizing everything we are able. A path open to all women and all who have experienced life as a woman and the wounding that comes from and with that.

Deep bodily safety.

Moving slowly into process and into circle. (This is often really difficult for women, this moving slowly, in a world where are taught to keep the pedal pressed all the way down! No worries. We have time for you and your nervous system to adjust.)

Priestess is a dedicated path of 8 weekends, loosely aligned with each of the 8 Celtic Festivals: Imbolc; Spring Equinox; Beltane; Midsummer; Lughnasadh; Autumn Equinox; Samhain; Yule.

Activations are aligned with the seasonal energies and include Inner Maiden; Sacred Marriage; Honoring the Path that you walked to get here; your Spiritual Stories and several more.

This is a Path that Weaves women together...in circle, in community, into the greater and wider web of Priestesses.

A Priestess shows up in the world in myriad ways--booksellers and massage therapists and bar tenders and herbalists.

I am opening the energy for a circle to start in the Spring. If you are intrigued, please click one of the buttons below.

Activations and Initiations on the Priestess Path:

Depending on the when the Circle begins, these themes may be rearranged to be sure that all receive the most potent energies and that our rhythm makes sense.

Spring Equinox/0°Aries/Inner Maiden
Introductory Weekend
Chesapeake, VA

Beltane/15° Taurus/Connecting to and Honoring the Divine Feminine
Self Love as Self Care

Midsummer/0° Cancer/Healing and Creating Connection to Land and Spaces
Archetypes, Astrology, and Human Design

Lughnasadh/15° Leo/Shadow Work
Gender, Sex, Race, and Intersectional Feminism

Mabon/0° Libra/Sacred Marriage
Embodied Pleasure, Soma

Samhain/15° Scorpio/Conscious Death and Sacred Rebirth
Grief, Psychopomp Mysteries

Yule/0° Capricorn/Spiritual Stories
Beauty and Light at the Dark of the Year

Imbolc/15° Aquarius/Medicine Walk