Bettina Essert Bettina Essert


Creating a mycelial network for humans through a growing spiritual community.

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Bettina Essert Bettina Essert


Samhain. Halloween. This time of year when many of us are celebrating the end of the agricultural year and the coming of a new one, yes, even if we also celebrate at the calendar year's end, we are also hard up against the awareness that our ancestral altars are made and calling to us, the remembrances of our beloved--and deeply missed--dead are coming more quickly than is typical.

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Creating Time Boundaries in Circle
Bettina Essert Bettina Essert

Creating Time Boundaries in Circle

Time matters. Even in spiritual or somewhat spiritual spaces, time matters. We are living in a 3D realm that runs on a schedule. We get tired and need sleep. We need to move our bodies. We can only *hold so much space for one person* if we aren't being paid to hold that space. It is too much to ask a client, in a circle, to hold the space and to give hers up, so that one unconscious (or selfish) person can breathe in all of the air in the room.

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Bettina Essert Bettina Essert


Opening to penetration. How can we feel safe and ready to be penetrated?

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Do You Have Sex with Clients?
Bettina Essert Bettina Essert

Do You Have Sex with Clients?

A sex coach is a coach, not a sexual surrogate, not a courtesan, not a sex worker. Just a coach who works mostly via Zoom, helping folks find ways to experience more embodied pleasure.

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