Space and Personal Clearing, Herbs, Flower Essences


Did you know that you can clear your personal energy field? And that of your home, office, and the land you live on?

Frequently--in fact it's so often that nearly every person who comes to my home says something about it--people comment on how great the land here feels, and my home, as well. Their whole energy field alters when they come here, not because I've done something to alter people who are guests, but because I have cleared and maintained the energy of myself, my home and land, and my lineage through that work.

You really can create and maintain a huge shift by working with a professional and by holding the awareness of the upgrade once the clearing is complete.

What to expect from a Space Clearing:

I will first ask you what your intention is for the clearing. Do you wish to clear predecessor energy? Does the energy in your home just feel sticky and you want to get the chi flowing? Do you have a ghost? Or do you want to create the ideal space for your dreams to come true in? Having a clear, concise intention is our first step.

I will then ask for a map of your home with each room outlined and labeled, complete with doorways. Please hand draw this and send it to me via email or DM. Using this I will do a distance clearing. If you can take photographs and send those to me, I can do an even better job of the distance clearing. I love it when people use markers or colored pencils because each room has an added layer from the colors chosen to represent it.

If you have decided you would like for me to come in person, we will have scheduled that and I will come in person to do another clearing. Even if I am coming to your home in person I will do the distance clearing first.

You can expect your home to look brighter, for the energy to feel clearer, for bells to ring more brightly, and that you will feel energized and grounded there. I will send you a write up detailing findings and suggestions for holding the new, clear energy.

Energetic Personal and Space Clearing

Herbs and Herbalism

To purchase my luxurious Facial Oil, Heart Opening elixirs, and health supporting tinctures and syrups, please visit The Wytch’s Kitchen on Etsy.

Flower Essences

Flower Essences are a simple and potent form of vibrational medicine. Much like homeopathy, there is little or no actual material from the original plant material in the essence. It is energetic, potentized by the sun, moon, stars, and beehives my essences interact and are charged upon.

You can order a full set of my essences, or each essence individually. You can also connect with me for support in creating a constitutional essence to support your current life challenges or something ongoing and systemic.

Each essence is created from a flower or plant grown on my sacred land—either at Four Oaks, on the banks of the Elizabeth River in SE VA or at Innisfree, our Sacred Retreat in the Great Smoky Mountains of Western NC. Many contain water from Sacred Wells and Springs from all over the world, crystal essences, and the codes downloaded from various moon phases and holy days.

Essences will be listed here and at The Wytch’s Kitchen on Etsy as I’m able to bottle and label them. If you feel that you need a Constitutional Essence, please feel free to contact me immediately via FB messenger. You can also email me with the understanding that I often do not reply to emails for as long as two weeks.