Bettina’s Story

Bettina is a Magdalene High Priestess, Certified Erotic Blueprints Coach and Accelerated Evolution Coach who has spent the last decade + working primarily with adult women—career women, stay-at-home-parents, and women who find ground in between those extremes. Her work focuses on somatic and shamanic approaches to dealing with issues around Sex, Power, Money, and Activism.

Always seeking and always learning, Bettina has studied and become certified as a facilitator of the Priestess Process in the lineage of Nicole Christine and Anyaa McAndrew. Bettina is also certified in the Erotic Blueprints™, Tantra, Ancestral Healing, Elemental Clearing™, Womb Wisdom and Healing, Archetypes, Shadow Work, Shamanic Healing and Journeying, Nutritional Healing, Fitness, and Human Sexuality.

After spending her 20’s and 30’s working with and healing the Wounded Warrior archetype through her intimate life dating Navy SEALs and men involved in motorcycle clubs, she found her own deep core of Wounded Feminine and stepped fully onto the path of healing herself, eventually inviting other women along on the journey.

As a survivor of sexual abuse, marital battering, and sexless marriage, Bettina brings personal experience into her work and empathy for those who are experiencing difficulty in relationship and in their own hearts. She will hold you with compassion and offer tools and wisdom to support you as you heal.

Bettina lives in Coastal Virginia on colonized Chesapeake land. As a multi-generational story keeper and land steward on the banks of the Elizabeth River, Bettina has rebuilt the foundations her family was founded on. She lives in what was once her Grandfather’s home, tending hearth and home on the same land where her family has lived for 5 generations.

Bettina writes, gardens, tends bees and chickens, and ferociously loves her family. She is dedicated to allyship with marginalized communities and the protection of the people who exist there. As the semi-feral child of divorce and a divorced parent herself, as the mother of 5 children, a former homesteader and Waldorf homeschool parent, an empty nester, an adult woman from a background of privilege, as the child of body builder parents who opened a chain of health food stores in 1960 and who grew up in both the health food and shipyard businesses, Bettina brings a vast repository of wisdom and life experience to her coaching. Bettina has always trod the margins between worlds and paradigms and has often lived her life along the rougher edges of what the world finds acceptable.

If you are looking for a coach who will hold you with both deep compassion and ferocious devotion, Bettina is that human. She brings decades of teaching, group and private facilitation, circle work, and a lifetime of exploring the places where the physical body, our environment, and mysticism meet. She is an eternal student, always seeking new information and ways of expanding her awareness. She brings all of this to you as a coach.


BA in English, Old Dominion University, minor in Anthropology/Sociology

Erotic Blueprints™ Coach

Accelerated Evolution/Warrior Sage Academy Coach

Oracle of the Temple of Illumination, a Grove of the Temple of Ascension

Minister and Licensed Celebrant, Commonwealth of Virginia

Illuminated Priestess Path Process Facilitator

Magdalene Mysteries Process Facilitator

Space and Personal Clearing Practitioner

Soul Midwife (Death Doula)

Womb Healer

Practitioner for the Rite of Munay Ki

Ceremonialist and Carrier of the Ceremonies of Nibi Wabo, The Dance to Mend the Sacred Hoop, The Rite of Munay Ki, and others

Red Tent Temple Facilitator

Shamanic Journey Facilitator

Horse Medicine Journey Creatrix and Facilitator

Flower Essence Creatrix and Practitioner

Shadow Work Facilitator

Grid Worker


Bee Priestess

Bee-Centric Beekeeper

Reiki Master Teacher

Level II Cranio-Sacral therapist

''Bettina's work is deeply grounded in the land, roots, and healing. She is a heart healer, grid worker, energy clearer, and loves to work with Goddess archetypes, Shadow, Womb Wisdom and Women's Mysteries.

In the course of her life, Bettina (aka 'Be') has become grounded and confident in her powerful body, brilliant mind, fiery sensuality, wild sexuality, and her deep inner fire. She offers a Priestess Process which includes Shadow Work, Archetypes, Astrology, Sacred Marriage, and more. These were the keys to unlocking the tower where her strong, Divine Feminine was waiting for the White Knight...who turned out to be herself!

As she learned, healed, and grew, she was apprenticed into a lineage of women healing the World through Temple Arts, Women’s Mysteries, and through the inner knowing that we all carry the cauldron of our own rebirth within us.

The Illuminated Priestess Path led Be away from pain and into a world filled with beauty, magic, and abundance. It can do this for you, too. Be lives every day of her life as a ceremony of gratitude thanks to this amazing process. She walks the Wheel of the Year with wonder.

Bettina is a powerful, authentic, deeply present facilitator, ceremonialist, and ritualist who can hold the safe container as you use the tools, wisdom teachings, and daily practices she shares to craft your own sovereign experience of the Divine and Holy Human you are.''