The Magdalene Mysteries, Magdalene Path
22 is a number sacred to The Magdalene. Her feast day is on July 22nd, this number holds holy resonance for her and for those of us connected to this archetype.
The Magdalene lineage is part of where I arrive into this Holy Sacred Work of mine and her teachings land in the Priestess group.
Sex. Power. Money. Truth. Judgement.
She brings so much.
Magdalene is a title we have come to associate with Mary Magdalene, wife of Christ, Holy Woman, Essene, Priestess of Isis, Tantrika/Weaver of Energies.
Magdalene IS a title, however, one which has been resurrected in these times and a title I carry with great honor and humility. It isn't light, this red mantle, the red of roses of fire of passion of rage of blood. It is one carried with honor and also with respect for all it lays on our shoulders, those of us who carry it.
We, as Magdalenes, are called eternally into our Inner Work, into learning from others, into walking the path with siStars and not alone in the egoic belief that we can do it all ourselves, without learning, without humility, without support, without connection. It is a mantle worn with intention and the knowing that we have earned it, that is not something to pick up lightly and put on with an air of pretense or without having done the deep work and continuing to do the deep work required to hold the energy.
There is no room for Spiritual Egotism on the Magdalene Path and if you fall into it, or put on the mantle before you've been prepared, it will suffocate or trip you or fall away completely leaving you stripped and forlorn.
And maybe this happens even after putting on the mantle, even after doing your work, stepping--as much as any human is able to--out of ego and into heartwomb space. Because we are human and fallible and until the air of perfection or superiority or not needing to learn anything new has been OBLITERATED from your biofield, you will continue to stumble.
It is what it is.
These aren't easy truths.
And the last I'll write about for today is this: As Magdalene we walk the Path of Life knowing that we will be judged. Lied about. Our reputations will hang in tatters strung up by the harsh hands of those without compassion or care. This is not an easy path.
Is it beautiful? Yes.
Is it soul soothing? Yes.
Will it call out every fear you have and roast it on the fire made from the timber of every wall you've built around your heart? Yes. Yes. Yes.
There are days good for all sorts of things. Today is a good day to drop in and find yourself where you're building walls, bolstering your spiritual ego with untruths, and lay yourself bare. Build that bonfire and let it burn.
Written on 2/22/2022 by Bettina Colonna Essert