Beltane/15° Taurus/Connecting to and Honoring the Divine Feminine
Self Love as Self Care

How do we ReAwaken the Divine Feminine?

She is rising. Already, even before we begin, generations of women have held her close, kept her alive in their secret gatherings, shared her with their daughters and closest friends. She is here, waiting for you to see her and to honor her, the Goddess. Divinity in a feminine form. The other half of the godhead. The clear yet hidden 3rd part of the Holy Trinity, as the Holy Ghost, Sophia, The Mother.

In this Initiation we will explore the archetypes of the Divine Feminine by reaching into the deep well of goddess cultures from around the World.

Knowing the Divine as it manifests through your body is the beginning of true and deep embodiment work. If you are new to this idea, move into Neutral Mind and enjoy the process. If you are experienced with Goddess energy and moving the Divine through your own body, this is your invitation to sink back into it in a deeply personal way, to find something new, to embody a new archetype or to more deeply embody one you’ve already explored.

Welcome to Reclaiming Your Inner Divinity.

It sounds pretty simple and yet deconstructing millennia of violence, shame, blame (Eve!), and our own tendency to suffer from Stockholm Syndrome (loving and protecting our perpetrators/captors) is anything but easy.

“Buried in the soil of those areas of Europe where the rosary first flourished have been found hundreds of devotional figurines of the goddess that are tens of thousands of years old. Long before people recorded their histories in written records, long before they settled down to live in towns and cities, they trusted the guidance and wisdom of a Lady whose body they identified with the fertile soil beneath their feet. They knew that all things—including their own bodies—had been born from the sacred womb of that Earth Mother. Just as they knew that everything returned to her.”

Clark Strand and Perdita Finn, The Way of the Rose

About Beltane, which occurs on or around May 1st:

It’s interesting to note that we are still experiencing the waxing energies of the sun, which will peak at Midsummer and then go on the wane. For those of us who are attuned to the Rising of energies, this experience, this season and Festival, can feel very much like home territory. Alternatively, for those who are most closely magnetized to the energies of Descent, this rising energy is a teacher which can help us to stand up and step into the warmth and nourishing light.

One of my most honored and revered teachers, Vivian Hauk of Spikenard farm, said once, “We have forgotten how to be warm.” She went on to talk about how, at a soul level, we have connected to being cool, chilling out, and all sorts of things related to things that lack warmth.

Vivian spoke of warmth and our forgetting how to experience it as a radiant soul’s essence being forgotten. The warmth of taking an ill neighbor a plate of cookies, of apologizing when we are wrong, of offering love first, of welcome and consideration and hospitality. It’s also about being warm in our bodies. Actually allowing our bodies to feel and be warm. Warmth fights off infection. The cooler our body temps are, the more likely we are to become ill, and our temperatures are dropping. Humanity, across the board, has lost about one degree F for the ‘average’ body temp in the last 50 years. Beltane is a good time to consider taking in this essence of warmth as something to nurture through the coming summer.

In this weekend together we move through Wisdom Teachings and Content intended to support calm in your nervous system and deep, nourishing embodiment.

Please do email me at with any questions and please know that it could take up to 2 weeks for me to reply as I move very slowly and intentionally through my days and emails are inclined to be opened only once every 7-10 days.

The Divine Feminine Mysteries


Maiden Mysteries & Spring Equinox


Archetypal Mysteries & Midsummer