Spring Equinox/0°Aries/Inner Maiden
Introductory Weekend
March 22-24, 2024, Chesapeake, VA
Other dates TBD

Inner Child work is the first step on the Priestess Path. As women on a spiritual journey, we spiral round to our Inner Maiden many times, healing layer after layer of indoctrination, trauma, and dismantling all of the ways we were taught to abandon ourselves when we were children.

The Maiden Mysteries, Healing the Inner Maiden, is integral to creating a solid container for the Priestess Path. This Initiation creates a Sacred Chalice for the process and the siStarhood developing within it.

The Maiden Mystery and Spring Equinox weekend is an opportunity for women to come into circle and gain understanding of how it feels, for how their bodies feel as they gain a sense of calm, safety, and the beauty of being held in a trauma informed space by a heart-connected, deeply loving, fierce facilitator.

The Maiden Mysteries

You begin this Theme with a journey back to your young self.

You encounter the concepts of Womb Wisdom, Womb Healing, and Womb Work as you share stories of your first blood, lay the foundation for Living Ceremony, and connect with your Circle of Sisters on the Illuminated Priestess Path.

None of us make it to adult womanhood without trauma. This is part of being human.

Taking your mind and heart back to your Maiden self, you clear the way for new energy, new activations to arrive and heal and recall the soul pieces you may have left behind.

Starting something new is always fun and your Inner Maiden is invited into the Circle to play, learn, and grow. This is a time to reclaim your joy, vibrance, and to feel the thrill of life coursing through your body.

As a human who embodies all of the pieces required to heal, resurrect, and rescue your wounded, imprisoned, or lost Inner Feminine, working with and healing the archetype of the Inner Maiden is the first step.

On the Path of the Illuminated Priestess you will become your own Prince, your own White Knight, you become the One You Have Been Waiting For.

During this Activation series you explore the archetype of the Inner Maiden and her journey from child through the activations of the first two Blood Mysteries and begin your preparation for the fires of Initiation into a Lineage of Priestesses.

You begin to uncover and discover your unique Priestess expression through wisdom teachings, music, movement, journaling, Shamanic journeying and sharing.

In a powerful ceremony, you will connect and merge with your inner maiden by writing the story of your first blood, sharing it in circle if you feel called, and doing a ceremony to honor the Maiden within. You are therein laying the foundation for “living ceremony”, something you will create for yourself in the moment using the foundations provided.

In this weekend process you will experience HeartWomb Breathwork, the Rite of Munay Ki, Clearing Processes, Shamanic Journeys and more. Each of the 8 activations is centered around the Festival on the Wheel of the Year that is most supportive of the energies of that Activation. The Maiden Mysteries coincide with the Spring Equinox for this reason. The time of sprouting seeds, when things are just pushing through the soil, a time of innocence when all things are new.


Goddess Within Mysteries & Beltane