The Mystery of Inner Union, Mabon

Mabon/0° Libra/Sacred Marriage
Embodied Pleasure, Soma


Our souls are complete.

Within each of us lies our own completion.

We are able to meet our own needs for solace, for safety, and for emotional comfort.

This doesn’t necessarily mean that when we are complete, whole, entire unto ourselves, that we will choose to live our lives unpartnered, or alone on a mountaintop in Alaska, it simply means that we stop projecting our own (reclaimed) soul parts, also known as masculine or feminine, onto those we wish or choose to partner with.


We are in these bodies to experience the fullness of pleasure, ecstasy, and intensity. Spirits, souls, yes, but not cut off at the neck which is the way so many of us tend to live our lives. We are the Embodied Goddess and we are here to experience pleasure in and through our bodies.

Come with my on a journey through self-love, self-care, and healing the mind-body split.

This Activation is a rich, juicy one in which we will play with, write about, and enjoy feeling ourselves deeply embodied.

Yoni eggs, self-pleasuring, food and nutrition, sacred bathing, massage and other body work, caring for the physical body in many of its aspects will come into play here, as we spend time enjoying our physicality.

Refine & Integrate the dance of inner feminine and masculine through mystical, guided journeys, music, dance, The Ritual of the Bridal Chamber via a Shamanic Journey, and a Sacred Marriage Ceremony. Connect with the inner heiros-gamos.


The Shadow Mysteries & Lughnasadh


Mysteries of Death and Rebirth & Samhain