Lughnasadh/15° Leo/Shadow Work
Gender, Sex, Race, and Intersectional Feminism

The Path to Illuminated Sisterhood and Solidarity with the Feminine in all Her Forms.

Enlightening the Shadow Between Women

In any circle or group there comes a time when we confront inner conflict. Often we externalize it. This is what we are usually taught as children—point a finger, deny, disarm, confuse.

In the Shadow weekend, we will use powerful processes to explore Projection, the Inner Patriarch and Matriarch, and the roles and patterns women inherit that keep them from walking in full consciousness.

Understand more about how Patriarchy has affected you through sexism and racism, how we are taught to be critical and to overly admire the masculine.

Gain tools for conflict dialogue.

Learn how to live with a strong supportive Inner Masculine, a healthy heart, and an expressive emotional body fully serving the Divine Feminine within.

We also dive into Racism, Sexism, and some of the ways -isms can be blind spots for us.

Shadow, Transmuting Fear Into Love, Embracing the Shadow Between Women: In this cycle you will get to know your circle sisters on a much deeper level. You will examine beliefs, story lines, and your ‘inner voices’, such as the Inner Patriarch and Inner Matriarch. This is the time to ask yourself what you need most in order to feel safe, supported, engaged, and complete.

This is deep work and you will be offered daily practices to support you as you move through it. If needed, Be offers consultations at a reduced rate for women participating in the Illuminated Priestess Trainings.

This is a heady weekend and the processes we will use in circle and that are recommended in the evenings and during free time are suggested as ways to support and nourish your nervous system and bring you fully into embodiment.

It is important to re-member that you are the embodiment of the Divine Goddess. You are not wrong or bad. You are, simply put, human. We make mistakes, cause harm, bumble, fumble, bleed, apologize, feel embarrassed…and this is all good and right and healthy.


Archetypal Mysteries & Midsummer


Pleasure Mysteries & Mabon